Top Economic Driver: Outdoor Recreation Attracts Visitors and New Residents

Apr 11 2022

From winding rivers and scenic trails to concerts in parks, the Wausau area offers good, wholesome fun for travelers and city dwellers seeking to make memories. Bill Bertram grew up in Illinois and spent summers camping in Wisconsin. Like many Midwest families, he was captivated by the abundant natural resources. It’s one of the reasons […]

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Rock-Solid Reasons to Love Mountain Biking in Central Wisconsin

Mar 28 2022

Granite Peak, Red Granite Grinder and Other Rock-Solid Reasons to Love Living in Central Wisconsin. What do you love about the Wausau area? Some say skiing at Granite Peak and mountain biking at Nine Mile. Others like the friendly folks and craft beer. Still others are here for career opportunities and that small-town feel with big-city […]

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Good Jobs and Good Trails Attract New Workers to Wausau Area

Mar 15 2022

Jake Prunuske brought along his mountain bike when he interviewed for a job in 2016. If he was leaving Duluth and relocating his family to Wausau, the trails had to meet his expectations. Nine Mile County Forest did not disappoint. “I went for a ride after my interview, and that was the clincher,” he said. […]

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Join the Mountain Biking Boom

Mar 8 2022

If the pandemic has taught us anything, it’s that people value outdoor recreation. Bike sales are booming — up as much as 55% last year — and along with that is a broader focus on trails, especially “singletrack.” A singletrack trail — usually just called singletrack — is a narrow, often one-direction mountain bike trail […]

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Taking Mountain Biking to New Heights

Feb 28 2022

We know that Rib Mountain State Park is a popular downhill skiing destination. What if it also offered great mountain biking trails that could be used all year? Oh, yes! That’s what biking enthusiasts are hoping will happen. Mountain biking is seeing an eruption of interest in just about all age groups and all seasons. […]

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Granite Peak — Shooting for the Stars

Feb 21 2022

When one considers the impact of an enterprise on a region, context matters greatly. Take Granite Peak Ski Area, part of Rib Mountain State Park. Next year, it will celebrate its 85th Anniversary. From humble beginnings in the Great Depression, Granite Peak has grown into the largest ski area in Wisconsin and one of the […]

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