Greater Wausau Region Economic Development Strategic Plan
The Greater Wausau Region Economic Development Strategic Plan is centered on three goals: talent, innovative companies, and placemaking. The plan includes strategies and actions that are interwoven together and are designed to support each goal. While the initiatives outlined differ, they are linked by a common vision for a more vibrant and more competitive community.
GOAL 1): TALENT - Attract Skilled Workers and Talented Individuals.
Over the last decade, labor availability has risen to the forefront of corporate strategy and site location decisions. As a result, economic development organizations have recognized that the ability to attract and retain top-tier talent is a fundamental component of economic success.
GOAL 2): INNOVATIVE COMPANIES - Nurture, Grow, and Attract Technology-Enabled Companies.
Connecting the region’s entrepreneurial companies with the innovation-focused assets in the region and throughout the state will be key to the region’s economic vitality.
GOAL 3): PLACEMAKING - Develop Quality Places and Amenities to Attract the Best and Brightest.
Creating quality places is an essential ingredient for attracting talent and companies. The Greater Wausau Region has enviable advantages in this regard including a vibrant downtown, a wide range of recreational amenities, and a number of historic buildings. Protecting and enhancing these assets will serve both current and future residents.